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Due to a lack of storage our Crystalyx is currently out of stock.

We are hoping to have it back in stock soon, sorry for any inconvenience

blueprint cattle feed
breedup cattle feed
Mineral Tubs

Breeder 18 


18% protein formulation provides energy, minerals and vitamins as well as 100% organic trace minerals.

Masterfeeds Rite-Lix Blueprint 18 Block Supplement is designed for self-feeding to grazing or cut-forage fed beef cattle. Place containers in dry spots near loafing areas and watering locations. Provide a minimum of two containers in each lot or pasture to ensure proper accessibility. Free-choice consumption will depend on climate, size of the animals fed, as well as quality, source and availability of other feeds. Feed at the rate of one container for every 20 to 30 head. Cattle typically consume between 125 and 450 grams per head daily. Masterfeeds Rite-Lix Blueprint Breeder 18 contains no salt.

CRYSTALYX® Breed-Up® 28


A self-fed protein supplement fortified with high levels of vitamins and minerals and chelated/organic trace minerals. It has been specially formulated to overcome nutritional stress associated with calving and the breeding period.


Breed-Up® 28 is specifically formulated with organic/chelated trace minerals and other micro ingredients to help beef cows re-breed in a timely manner, especially high demand breeding programs such as estrus synchronization, embryo transfer or purebred cattle operations.

crystalphos cattle feed

CRYSTALYX® Crystal-Phos® 8


Crytalyx-Phos 8 is designed to complement the mineral composition of grass or legume forages.  

This tub is specifically formulated with organic/chelated trace minerals and other micro ingredients to help beef cows re-breed in a timely manner, especially high demand breeding programs such as estrus synchronization, embryo transfer or purebred cattle operations.

Brigade cattle feed
  • Ideally fortified and suited for calves, show calves, stressed calves, replacement heifers (45 days prior to breeding) and cows (45 days prior to breeding)

  • Elevated trace mineral and vitamin levels to safe guard against deficiency during the more physically demanding stages of production

  • Contains BioPlex® organic trace minerals that provide mineral nutrition in a form as close to nature as possible


Ideal for beef cattle on late season pastures, crop residues, or low quality, harvested forages. 30% protein helps increase over all ration and support nutritional needs. 

mineral-lyx cattle feed

Ideal for beef cattle on spring and summer pastures. Contains no additional protein so is ideal to compliment higher quality feed. Also available with or without All-Brew, which enhances feed efficiency & contributes to immune system development. Offer 30 days before calving until the youngest calf is 45 days old to maximize benefits

Pellet & Textured Feeds


Country Junction 17% Textured Creep with Essential Oils

Country Junction 17% Textured Creep with Deccox

Masterfeeds Showstopper Cruiser

Masterfeeds Showstopper Accelerator 

Masterfeeds Showstopper Full Throttle


All available in bulk delivered to your Farm or in Totes by Special Order.

Minimum Quantities apply



Country Junction 32-18 Feedlot Supplement


Country Junction Logo.jpg
Loose Mineral


Country Junction 2:1 Beef Mineral

Country Junction Pre-Calving Mineral

Country Junction Breeding Mineral

Country Junction 18:6 Beef Cattle Premix

Country Junction Pasture Mineral

Country Junction Winter Mineral w or w/o Monensin


Cobalt Iodized Blue Salt 25kg Bag

Cobalt Iodized Blue Salt 20kg Block

Cobalt Iodized Blue Salt with Garlic 25kg Bag

Cobalt Iodized Blue Salt with Garlic 20kg Block

Silver 120 TM with Selenium  20kg Block

Gold 120 TM with Selenium 25kg Bag

Gold 120 TM with Selenium 20kg Block

Gold 120 TM with Selenium and Garlic 25kg Bag

Gold 120 TM with Selenium and Garlic 20kg Block


Cattle Supplies


cattle supplies
Leader White JPG (002).jpg

We carry the full range of Allflex one piece and two piece tags and accessories. Custom numbers and letters are also available for order.

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